Welcome to the Boss Life
Hi I’m Toni Suggs, Mother, Grandmother, Elder, Spiritual Life Coach and Entrepreneur. I’m passionate about helping aspiring entrepreneurs reach their full potential and most of all coaching them to pursue their dreams. My personal motto is “Rise UP, Run ON and Be GREAT”.
When I hit rock bottom after being laid off my corporate job it was challenging to support my family and I didn't have a plan B. I knew I had to do something immediately to change my financial situation. It was during the financial hardship that I stepped out on faith to pursue one of my dreams to launch my own beauty and wellness business. Since then my family and I have been experiencing financial freedom and living a debt free life style.
Through my business I’ve developed “The Boss Life” coaching program and now I am coaching other entrepreneurs to follow their passion. I strongly believe if you follow your passion it will push you into your purpose that will increase your profits. When I am not leading workshops and coaching other entrepreneurs, I enjoy free time cooking and spending quality time with my friends and family.